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It’s Time To Take Maintenance Seriously

Wear and tear, sand, bugs, strikes of lightning and not to mention winter itself all affect the need for blade maintenance. Experts in the field say it has to be done on a yearly basis, but that is not always the reality. The Finnish company Bladefence is curing...

Uncertain Electricity Supply

Uncertain electricity supply, undeveloped infrastructure and a loss of profit due to icing. These are all factors which may lower the availability of loans for wind energy in cold climates. – “We need proven technology”, says a Swedish bank. Swedish bank Nordea...

Visit Mörttjärnsberget During Winterwind 2014

On February the 13th we will have a guided tour 07.30-15.00 to the wind farm Mörttjärnberget, located in Bracke municipality, southeast of Östersund. The wind farm with 37 wind turbines will have an installed capacity of 100 MW and an annual production electricity of...

Swedish Windpark Can Get EU Support

The wind park Blaiken is one of four Swedish projects nominated for support from the EU NER300-program, one of the world’s largest programs providing funding for renewable energy. - “A support can mean a big step forward for the development of wind energy in cold...

Testing 150 Tonne Components At Minus 60°C

Surrounded by mist, ice-cold air and blue light, as the temperature declines a thin layer of frost is slowly building up on the transformer. It is subjected to a simulated winter, closely observed and subsequently analyzed. A newly built climate chamber will help wind...

Portrait: Jos Beurskens

The veteran Jos Beurskens is challenging the Swedish wind power industry: Devise your own technical solutions instead of waiting for the big industrial players to grasp the potential of cold climate wind energy.  But, he emphasises, don’t forget to look beyond low...

Vestas Presents De-Icing System

Vestas introduced a de-icing system at the wind energy conference Vind 2013 in Stockholm. The system is based on a hot air flow within the blades The long awaited system has been tested in Canada for the past winter season. Now a prototype is ready for field testing...