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The Swedish Wind Power Association represents all producers – ranging from small wind power owners to larger energy companies
The Swedish Wind Power Association has over 30 years of experience in the industry. It started with visionary entrepreneurs and landowners who invested in one or a few wind turbines, but today, we represent both large and small players. We are an established referral body with about 800 members, active in Sweden as well as internationally, promoting the development of wind power.
The Swedish Wind Power Association has been organizing the International Wind Energy Conference Winterwind annually since 2008. The conference, held in the northern parts of Sweden, has become the most important meeting for wind power in cold climates. The interest in the conference has grown, attracting approximately 300 participants from around 20 countries each year.
Swedish Windpower Association produce Tidningen Svensk Vindkraft, the largest trade magazine on windpower in Sweden.
The association has organized the Winterwind International Wind Energy Conference annually since 2008.
The conference that takes place in the northern parts of Sweden has become the most important meeting for windpower in cold climates. The interest for the conference has grown rapidly reaching annually around 300 participants from approx. 20 countries.

Swedish Windpower
Swedish Windpower Association is the proud organizer of Winterwind.
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Phone: 0046 (0)706-66 11 05
E-mail: millis@svenskvindkraft.com