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Keynotes of #Winterwind2021: Paul Froidevaux

Keynotes of #Winterwind2021: Paul Froidevaux

We are pleased to announce Paul Froidevaux, Meteotest, CH, as one of the keynotes of #Winterwind2021! Comparison of four blade-based ice detection systems installed on the same turbine We installed four blade-based Ice Detection Systems (IDS) on the same Vestas V90...

Book of Abstracts

Book of Abstracts

A three days-program April 19-21 online with one of the best collections of cold climate wind operational expertise on the planet! Read Book of Abstract -Session order here! Read Book of Abstract - Abstract number here! Check out the preliminary program here! Welcome...

Keynotes of #Winterwind2021: Rosemary Barnes

Keynotes of #Winterwind2021: Rosemary Barnes

We proudly present Rosemary Barnes, Pardalote, AU, as one of the keynotes of #Winterwind2021! Climate resilience vs. low cost renewables This winter’s extreme weather in Texas put the phenomenon of wind turbine icing into the mainstream. Extreme weather events like...

Keynotes of #Winterwind2021: Paul Gipe

Keynotes of #Winterwind2021: Paul Gipe

We're proud to announce Paul Gipe, Wind-works, US as one of the keynotes of #Winterwind2021! Comparison of wind’s fatalities to that of other Industries The capture and concentration of energy - in any form - is inherently dangerous. Wind energy exposes those who work...

A preliminary program is here!

A preliminary program is here!

A three day-program from midday until 19pm CEST. Everything will be recorded so you will get access even afterwards. More than forty speakers from more than eleven countries! A Preliminary Program for #Winterwind2021Download here Early bird-prices until March 22 -...

The virtual Expo-area of #Winterwind2021

The virtual Expo-area of #Winterwind2021

A brand new program of the digital Winterwind 2021 is soon to be released with a lot of focus on Health, Safety and Environment - stay tuned! In the meantime we get more sponsors and exhibitors booked for the virtual expo of the online event. "Fortunately or...