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Winterwind 8-10 Febr. 2016

The most important meeting for wind energy in cold climate! A conference focusing on challenges of generating wind power in cold climates. Winterwind offers seminars, debates, poster exhibition, networking, social events and technical visits. Parallel with the...

New icing wind tunnel

New icing wind tunnel

A new icing wind tunnel at Fraunhofer IFAM allows anti-icing tests under realistic conditions. The tunnel is situated in Bremen in a new 90 cubic meter ice laboratory with integrated icing wind tunnel. Fraunhofer IFAM researchers and their project partners from...

A lot of noise at Winterwind 2015

A lot of noise at Winterwind 2015

Ice is, as usual, a main topic at Winterwind, but noise, how to measure it and get rid of some of it is also high on the agenda in Piteå February 2-4, 2015. There will be three presentations about noise, one on the subject of long-term online sound monitoring in wind...

Still time to save money…

Still time to save money…

Register before Dec 22 and get the Early Bird reduction. You get more than a 25 percent reduction on the registration fee. Go to our booking system and join this world leading event covering most aspects of wind energy in cold climates. More about...

Thaw at Glötesvålen this winter

Thaw at Glötesvålen this winter

Ikea has invested over a billion Swedish kronor in a wind farm located on the top of Glötesvålen, a mountain in Härjedalen, Sweden. This is the first major project to feature Vestas’ new de-icing system. When Svenska Vindkraft visited Glötesvålen at the end of...

Ikea invests a billion on the mountain

Ikea invests a billion on the mountain

Ikea has invested over SEK 1 billion in Glötesvålen, which is expected to produce 220 GWh/year. This is Ikea’s third investment in wind power in Sweden. OX2 planned and constructed all three projects. It started with nine turbines on Korpfjället in Dalarna, Sweden,...

Icing challenge for Canadian wind energy

Icing challenge for Canadian wind energy

A Canadian survey shows that the greatest cause of production loss in wind energy in Canada is due to icing. It is at par with gearbox failures. The survey suggests that 35 percent of the respondents believe that the greatest cause of production loss is due to icing...