Field trip Winterwind 2024 – registration

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Welcome to a field trip at Winterwind!

Monday 18 March at 08.00 – about 15.30

We go by bus from Holiday club Åre at 08.00. The bus runs via the airport in Östersund and picks up participants arriving by flight at 09.20.

Then we drive to Hocksjön wind farm, which is on the border between Sollefteå municipality in Västernorrland and Ragunda municipality in Jämtland county. The park was put into operation at the beginning of 2023 and consists of 23 wind turbines. Annual production approximately 440 GWh, which corresponds to electricity for approximately 88 000 households. The wind farm is owned by Persson Invest (25%) and Jämtkraft (75%).
The CEO of the wind farm will join the bus and talk about the wind farm. It is located in the middle of a cluster of more than 200 wind turbines.

We eat a simple lunch in the park and we also bring drinks and fruit.

Register to by March 14. 

Price: 600 SEK