Check out the Q&A with Göran Ronsten, Programme coordinator for Winterwind 2020!

Home » News » Check out the Q&A with Göran Ronsten, Programme coordinator for Winterwind 2020!

The main theme for Winterwind 2020 conference will be Operation and Maintenance – what makes this theme so interesting?

Now is a period of large scale deployment of wind farms in cold climates, here defined as low temperature sites and locations prone to significant icing. Local conditions will influence accessibility, maintainability, availability and finally, the capacity factor and the economy of each project. Depending on the manufacturer’s definition of availability, iced up wind turbines or those exposed to low temperatures, might be defined as available but still unable to produce anything. Lately, we’ve seen manufacturers that prevent iced up wind turbines from restarting if the temperature is below zero degrees. There are so many cold climate issues to consider that we, in order to secure reliable operation and maintenance, will need to exchange experiences for many years to come. Winterwind 2020 is one such opportunity where hundreds of attendees can move wind energy in cold climates forward.

Call for Abstracts is now open – what’s your wishes and expectations?

Winterwind 2020’s international program committee has listed subjects that we would like to hear more about at the conference. Although this year’s theme is O&M including performance optimization, service and repair, we’re curious to learn more about recent progress made in research, development and demonstration projects. These areas include forecasting, health and safety, preconstruction planning, testing, offshore, anti-icing, financial and technological risk mitigation measures and many more bits and pieces that need to come together for continued development of wind energy in cold climates. The Swedish Windpower Association and the Winterwind 2020 program committee are actively working towards a fair gender balance of presenters at the conference, i.e. a substantial increase in the number of female presenters. We wish all branch delegates and researchers to inform and encourage colleagues and project collaborators to apply to the Call for Abstracts,

Why compete in the Open Innovation Contest?

Have you been working on a cold climate related idea in-house that you would like to develop further? Winterwind 2020’s Open Innovation Contest might be where you will find partners that can make your innovation fly. The subjects of interest are the same as those in the Call for Abstracts. The Swedish Windpower Association and the Winterwind 2020 program committee are actively working towards a fair gender balance of presenters at the conference, i.e. a substantial increase in the number of female presenters. We wish all branch delegates and researchers to inform and encourage colleagues and project collaborators to apply to the Open Innovation Contest,

For information about abstracts and programme please contact Göran Ronsten; 0046 (0)70 5946570 /