The Ice Issue

Suddenly wind energy in cold climate is a hot topic. Several of the large manufacturers are now on the verge of offering de-icing systems. Researchers in Finland started to investigate the possibility of de-icing wind turbines in the early 90’s. However, most...

”Look For The Right Technology”

Low prices on electricity and electricity certificates, and on top of that harsh winters, has made investment in wind energy in cold climate a real challenge. The boom in wind energy in Sweden that prevailed from around 2007 to 2011 has come to a halt. And the power...

Socio-Economic Analysis Is An Eye-Opener

A socio-economic analysis makes it easier to explain the effects of a wind power project to local inhabitants. According to Jonas Lundmark, information coordinator of the Wind Power Centre of the Barents Region, it also gives a boost to those working with the project....

Wind Power – Norrbotten’s New Industrial Base

Norrland is the centre of Swedish wind power generation. 6 000 new generators are planned over the next 15-20 years. If all these planned generators are installed, it would mean that Norrland will have three times more generators than the whole of Sweden has today. “A...